Cobra Eel
There were never any underwater specialists on the Oktober Guard team, so, of course, I had to come up with one. I've always felt that the original Cobra Eel was likely the single best diver figure in the entire G.I.Joe collection -- Joe, Cobra, Grenadiers, or anybody else. And I had this one Cobra Eel that I think I got for a buck at a toy show that was in good basic structural condition, but a lot of his paintwork was shot. I didn't want to just toss him out, so I decided to reinvent him instead. The name "Mermansk" is a sort of double pun on "Merman" and an actual military base in the former Soviet Union. Mermansk is a former Cobra Eel who, much like Mercer on the G.I.Joe Team, got fed up with Cobra and decided to defect. Except Mermansk went to the Soviets and took his advanced Cobra Eel suit with him. It was recolored to be more in keeping with the colors of the Oktober Guard, and he was assigned to the team. But Watchdog, the KGB agent assigned to the team, keep a close eye on him.