Head: '91 Snake Eyes
Torso: '90 Skydive
Arms: unkown
Waist: unknown
Legs: '86 Dial-Tone
I remember back in the late eighties and early nineties when a slew of new characters were created as part of the Joe line. The JvsC era introduced some nice new characters as well, and many of those new characters had become instant favorites!
Once the 25th anniv. line began it seems that Hasbro had shifted focus from creating exciting new characters to just rehashing exactly what had come before, which to me was a big disappointment.
Night Fox was a character introduced as part of the Pursuit of Cobra line, and though I don't care for the modern era aesthetic, I did like that it was a new character!
Night Fox's file card called him the teams special combat and operations expert, which is entirely too vague. It did also refer to him as a former SEAL, which is what I went with for my version of the character. You can never have too many SEALs on the team!