Head - Wild Bill VvV
Torso - Gung Ho VvV version 2
Arms, Legs - Ripper Spy Troops

Ocir Fairlane- Navigator/ Co-Pilot, Is Chiss a native of the Csilla system in the Unknown Regions out beyond the Outer Rim. Csilla is a cold world of glaciers and snowy wastes located deep within Chiss Space, and serves as the capital of the Chiss Empire. The Chiss are recognized by their blue skin and red glowing eyes; the Chiss' blue skin is caused by a mineral found in the Csillan hydrosphere.

Ocir joined the Outer Rim Runners while piloting a royal transport in route to the Republic Senate with a representative who was to seek membership to the Senate. En route their ship was attacked by an unknown vessel and everyone on it left for dead. Had Enivra Camero not come along to salvage the ship Ocir would have surely died. Ocir offered his service as navigator and co-pilot having extensive knowledge about the Unknown Regions beyond the Outer Rim.

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