Head: Chap-Mei Soldier Force
Torso: Lifeline V1
Waist: CORPS!
Arms, legs: Greenshirt
M-16: Comic Pack Cobra Trooper
Medical Bag: Comic Pack Baroness
Omega medics do not exist to care for infantry or most combatants, for that matter; rather, they look after the Officer Corps, unless directed otherwise. Highly-skilled paramedics, Omega medics are also skilled fighters, and follow the same battlefield doctrines (ie., fight to the death) as do infantry.
Unlike their infantry counterparts, the medics wear no body armor, though they do carry M-16s for attack and defense. Some who have, through unexpected circustance, been treated by them (and later get away from Omega custody) describe their bedside manner as "absolutely cold and devoid of any emotion--like being worked on by a robot." They are however, flesh and blood...