Head: '87 Mercer
Chest: '86 Dr. Mindbender
Arms: '86 Monkeywrench
Waist and Lower Legs: '86 Wetsuit
Upper Legs: '85 Eel

I'm not a big fan of the sci-fi elements in GI Joe, but as reality creeps up to the fiction, I'm more accepting of it.

Now that scientist have created actual animal hybrids, it's just a matter of time before it's done with humans.

I saw an image of an octopus that had a very interesting blue/purple splotchy/wavy/mottled look on its skin. This is the look I tried to go for on the exposed skin of the Octo-viper.

My other goal was to use the Dr. Mindbender and Monkeywrench parts on a custom where they wouldn't be immediately recognizable. This worked out better than I'd hope by simply making the Mindbender chest two colors instead of the flesh color. Monkeywrench's arms are disguised fairly well, too, simply by painting the hands independent of the upper portion of the gloves.

Thanks for looking.

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