Torso: Cobra Trooper
Head and elbow: SpyTroops Over Kill
Lower legs and (Belt modded): Cobra Viper
Arm peices: Stikfas
Over Kill is only half human to begin with, (over 50% of his body has been replaced by mechanical parts) so he has very little humanity left to bother him. This means that he truly enjoys performing evil missions and doesn't have any twinges of conscience getting in the way. What feelings he had left were digitally tweaked to not interfere with his duties as the Battle Comander of the Cobra B.A.T legions. Over Kill has been upgraded mechanically over the years. His internal targeting computer is now directly linked to a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) system for increased accuracy. The armor over vital components and organs has been reinforced and his sweat glands have been modified so he no longer smells like a wet sheepdog at fifty meaters.
Over Kill was one of my favorites, so I made my own 25th custom. I hope everyone likes Him.