Head: Airborne with Green Stuff goatee and hair with 25th Scarlett's pony tail
Body: SRO Sgt. Stone
Boonie Cover: Shipwreck v9
Glasses: RoC Attack on Pit Baroness
Vest: Marauder's Gun Runners
Thigh holster: 25th Firefly
Knife sheath: 25th Green Shirt
Holster/sheath straps: Green Stuff
M-4/Masterkey: PoC Spirit
Vehicle: Power Team Elite Fast Attack Vehicle
Code name: OTTER
File Name: Daly, Smedly J.
Primary MOS: Reconnaissance
Secondary MOS:
Place of Birth: Moab, Utah
Grade: None
Otter proudly served his time in the Marine Crops and later served with the G.I.*JOE team. After going on a particularly brutal mission with the Joes, Otter returned a different man. He became edgier, and more volatile and was discharged from the military for psychological reasons, or at least that's the official reason. Because of his Recon experience and ability to infiltrate enemy posts undetected, he was recruited into a team of mercenaries that are friendly to the US and it's allies. The US doesn't acknowledge the mercenary team but uses them whenever the SEALs, SFOD-D or even the G.I.*JOE team can't be used. Led by the mysterious female leader, Tabedooa, the team conducts operations of sabotage, information gathering and assassination. The Joes have found the mercenary team to be vital asset for getting the job done and because the team are only mercenaries, no fingers can be pointed when a dictator is assassinated or a weapons factory suddenly explodes.
"Otter enjoys his work and takes great pride in the job he's doing. Defending the country and it's people has meant a lot to him and now that he's part of team that can do it without having to go through all the bureaucratic red tape and rules, he really feels like he's making a difference."
This is actually a self custom, but I chose to make him a character with a different name and back story. He is a ME version of my first custom:
I also changed up his back story from his first incarnation for a new take on him more of a "after he'd been with the Joes for a while" scenario.
The original Sgt. Stone figure was suffering from a very severe case of scoliosis, so I hat to boil him up a bit to loosen the upper and lower torso joiner, but it just wouldn't budge, so I ended up cutting it and then gluing the two torso pieces together.
In order to use the thigh holster and knife sheath, I drilled the screw hole through the outer half of the thigh from the inner half and then, using my x-acto blade, cut away at the molded cargo pocket to make a slot for the holster and knife to fit within. Then the thigh screw fit snugly in place, holding the two halves together. I then used some Green Stuff to make straps that would hold the holster and knife in place.
I used some Green Stuff for his hair and used that to secure the pony tail I lobbed off of Scarlett in place. I used my x-acto blade to add some detail to the hair. Again, using the x-acto blade, I cut away some of the inside of the boonie cover so it'd fit on the head. The colours aren't perfect, but they matched the pants well enough that I didn't have to repaint. I used Attack on the Pit Baroness' glasses because they are see through, so they're more like shooting glasses than they are sun glasses.