head joe colton (bruce willis) cast
cut grid and drilled holes for twist tie (pins)
heat shrink on neck
me cc? base
drilled for steel chest hooks
star wars hands
neo viper legs
star wars skirts
steel chain
girder is made with magnet tape
knives and saws made from various metal bits
puzzle box funko reaction figure
This was my Halloween custom for this year. I have been trying to add one horror character every year. Pinhead is pictured here with my Freddy, Jason, and Mike Myers.
This was actually my second attempt at pinhead. I started it after building a very similar figure using the Funko head with steel push pins driven in it. I wasn't happy with the pins scale wise and that got me looking for a smaller option.
I picked the Bruce Willis head sculpt because it was cast in hard plastic and handy. I like it much better than the Funko head.
All in all I'm very pleased with the look and feel of my figure. I hadn't watched any of the Hellraiser movies before that I can remember, but I knew Pinhead. Another case of wanting to make an iconic character. I have since watched 4 or 5 of the movies, including one in space!