Head: Tomax
Torso: Zartan
Upper Arms: Dusty
Lower Arms: Black Out
Waist: Sand Viper
Skirt: Serpentor
Upper Legs: Sand Viper
Lower Legs: Serpentor
Cape and Cowl: Serpentor and Chap Mei mummy
Helmet: Serpentor
After years in the Middle Eastern Desert awaiting the return of Serpentor, Overlord has presented King Serpentor to the world. Shaman had predicted the return of the new Emperor for many moons and performed the public rituals over the reclaimed relics of Serpentor. Finally the day came that an unknown young man calmly approached the items and placed the helmet upon his head. Shaman witnessed the transformation and declared him King Serpentor, Third of His Name, Savior of The Coil, The Everliving, The One True World Emperor. The new king was taken in and outfitted in the uniform that he now wears constantly. The original relics were augmented with new weapons and relics from the region and Serpentor became the leader that The Coil needed.
Now with his trusted advisers, his battlefield generals, and his own personal bodyguards, Serpentor is set to take over the world as it is his destiny.