Head: Dr. Mindbender (VvV) - mustache excised
Torso, Arms: Big Brawler (SpyT) - torso sanded
Waist, Legs: Destro (SpyT)
Scanner is a DD one-shot personality, from #26. Scott Sturgis is a journalist who had pursued rumors of the Joes, and located the PIT. Duke brought Scott in and gave him every detail of the Joes and Cobras, then noted, "We're going to have to do /something/ to keep our secrets safe. Probably something drastic."
Scott chose the option of working with the Joes; he is currently the sole person installed in the GI Joe Icelandic Field Bureau, where he scans the Internet and other media sources for both rumors on the Joes and leads on Cobra and other terrorist organizations.
The running gag in the comic was that the slogan on Scott's t-shirt would change to describe his situation, such as when he was brought into the PIT to face Duke: "I really stepped in it this time."