Head: Beachhead v5
Torso: Beachhead v5
Rest: Gung-Ho v16
- Shotgun: Agent Faces Mail-Away
- Grenade Launcher: Gung-Ho v16
- Pistol: Gung-Ho v16
- Hat: Gung-Ho v14
- Pack: Accessory Pack Snow Serpent
- Antenna: Cobra Moray
I don't care if he has no sleeves... Special Ops are hardcore!
Yeah, one day maybe I'll sculpt some on.
The most numerous Special Operations Forces (SOF) within Hellion's Directorate are the SPEAR*-Vipers. The Assaulters are the basic troops of the SPEAR-Vipers - although they are far from ordinary! These soldiers have demonstrated superior skills within Cobra's conventional forces and only the cream of the crop are selected for Special Operations. This unit is where the assaulters cut their teeth in their new specialized role, often before streaming into another SOF element.
*SPEcial Assault Regiment