Whole Figure: Gung-Ho v16 (head and torso modified)
- Rifle: Chief Torpedo
- Pistol: Gung-Ho v16
- Webbing: Gung-Ho v16
- Helmet: Grunt v9
This was my first attempt at sculpting using modelling putty (face mask). I'm actually happy with it, even though you can't really see it.
The principal Special Operations Forces (SOF) within Hellion's Directorate are the SPEAR*-Vipers. Although those selected for Special Operations are already the cream of the crop from Cobra's conventional forces, this unit is where the assaulters cut their teeth in their new specialized role, often before streaming into another SOF element. More experienced SOF soldiers remain with this unit on a full time basis to form a leadership and training cadre. Key among this cadre are the NCOs, who lead the small Sections that make up an Assaulter Troop (platoon).
These junior leaders have ensured that Cobra's Special Operations troops are consummate professionals, now rivaling some of their top tier counterparts in North America and Western Europe.
*SPEcial Assault Regiment