Head: Gung-Ho (BTR)
Torso, arms & legs: Range Viper (DTC)
Crotch: Neo-Viper Commander (SpyTroops)

Helmet and knives: Range Viper (DTC)
Cloak: Swamp Rat (VvV)
Grenade launcher: Range Viper (ARAH)

As anyone who's seen my Cobra forces can tell you, I'm kind of an obsessive-compulsive army builder. I don't need massive numbers, but I do need specific numbers. And for every five troops of any given type, I really want a squad/group leader that is essentially a repaint of that troop...preferably in crimson.

That's how Skull Buster came about. I loved the DTC Range Vipers. So I got five of them. And a troop type this cool needed its own "Elite" squad leader.

Initially I had a Range Viper head on this guy but, in the critiques I received, a lot of people thought he deserved to be an individual "named" character instead of just a facelss squad leader. So I went with a head I hadn't been able to find another use for.

I kind of like the thuggish tough-guy look the Gung-Ho mug gives the figure. It seems to fit with the way Skull Buster's character was portrayed on his filecard. So I guess that's the way I'll be using him in my dios.

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