Styrofoam box insert and plaster of Paris.
Cerberus craft store purchase.
Demons from Wal-mart.
Lucifer: Head- Ninja Force Zartan (modified)
Torso- Movie Street Fighter Blanka
Wings- Dollar store figure
Waist- Croc Master v1
Legs- unknown GI Joe type figure
Staff Trident- Masters of the Universe Castle Grey Skull
Banished from Heaven for organizing an attempt to usurp the thrown of power from God and rule the kingdom. Along with his minions, Lucifer decided to create his own kingdom. The Underworld is a paradise in disguise, once there, the lost souls discover they are trapped in a world of torment and torture. Still trying to take the power from heaven, Lucifer tempts, tricks, and lies to mortals in order to obtain their soul to prevent heaven from receiving it. Once in the Underworld, no soul can escape because of Lucifer's gate guardian and pet Cerberus, a three-headed dog with an insatiable appetite.