Heads: Skyduster / Viper v19
Body: Python Patrol Viper v21
Hands: Viper v19
- Rifle: Marauder Inc
- Backpack: Viper v19
- Body Armour, Goggles: Python Patrol Viper v21
File Name: Various
Primary Specialty: Mechanised Infantry
Secondary Specialty: Anti-Armour
Birthplace: Various
Grade: O-2 and higher
It is generally accepted that single weapons system types are much less effective without the support of the full combined arms team. As such, Cobra integrates Viper assault infantry units into its Armoured Divisions. These troops complement the swift armoured assault by Cobra HISS and other tanks, allowing exploitation of gains and providing a counterpunch to defending infantry.
Historically, mounted soldiers who rode into battle on horseback and then fought as infantry were known as Dragoons. Cobra perpetuates this tradition with the Viper Dragoons, mechanised assault troops integrated into the Armoured Divisions.
This uniform is of a Viper Officer in a medium armoured formation. Officers command sub-units at the Troop (platoon) level and higher. Depicted in the image are the insignia of the Armoured Legion (L) and the Vipers.