Head: ARAH Cross Country V1 w/ARAH Wild Bill V1 hat
Chest and back: ARAH Cross Country V1
Arms ARAH Cobra Commander V1.5
Upper Legs: ARAH Frostbite
Lower legs: ARAH Viper
Pistol in holster: ???
Wong appeared in one episode of the Sunbow run, wearing a peculiar mix of what looked like a dress uniform with cowboy accoutrements. I did away with the dressier attire and went instead with more functional fatigues. The Wild Bill "cowboy" hat was a given. The rather unattractive facial features of the Cross Country head matched those of Wong nicely. The Wild Bill v1 and Cross Country heads were two of the most freakishly oversized of the entire ARAH run, so they fit together perfectly.
The cartoon had the rope draped over the arm. This didn't look practical, especially since it would drape over his sidearm. I moved it to the opposite side and lowered it to his gunbelt.
Colors & Paint:
As Wong's uniform in the Cartoon was navy blue, I tossed on some earthy-toned accessories to keep it from looking like a Cobra uniform. The blue is also flecked with bits of brown to make it unique.
Sculpting & Modifying:
I added the sloppy hair to the back of the head to match the design of Wong seen in the cartoon.
The holster is scratch-built around a revolver. Much to my surprise, I couldn't find a "six shooter" among my spare guns, so a less "cowboy" firearm had to do the job.
The rope is made from coated wire, looped into shape and then glued to keep the right look. The rope rests on a hook added beneath the gunbelt.
Thanks for looking.