Head: Beach Head
Torso: CLAWS Commander
Arms: Tunnel Rat/Cobra Commander
Waist: CLAWS Commander
Legs: Tunnel Rat
CUSTOM HISTORY: Again, I was searching for characters I wasn't familiar with when I stumbled across W.O.R.M.S. When the first thing I think of when I see a figure, is what parts can I use to make a custom, I know I have to make him. With W.O.R.M.S. I immediately thought Beach Head's head and CLAWS Commander's torso. After that it was just a matter of what arms and legs looked best. I liked the Cobra Commander arms because the chevrons on the cuff just added to the very officer appearance of the character. The CLAWS Spy Troop helmet was used purposely, as I envision W.O.R.M.S. as part of the CLAW battallion. and the legs just looked great with the pouches on front.