Head, chest piece and shoulder pads: G.I. Joe DTC Medi-Viper
Rest of body and belt: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Wal-Mart exclusive Scrap Iron
Needle: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Cobra Commander
Backpack: G.I. Joe Resolute Firefly

I loved the Medi-Viper figure from the DTC line. It was probably one of the best and most needed characters Hasbro had given us in a long time and was one of the few reasons I was sad to see the line move on from the new-sculpt aesthetics to the far superior 25th-style construction -- because those cool Medi-Vipers just wouldn't look right next to the new guys.

After a while I got up the gumption to make myself a couple of Cobra medics and I utilized many of the best parts from the originals to do it.

It wasn't easy, but I think it was worth the effort.

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