Head-25th Hawk
Rest of figure-cancelled ROC Ripcord
Gun and Jet pack-original figure weapons

This seemed like such a huge departure for Hawk when the figure came out. Some folks have even questioned if it was supposed to be a different character and the was changed mid way.
For me I liked it although the Leather jacket look has always been my favorite. Terminator 2 had just come out and I was totally into having my Joes more suited up and ready to kick some tail. Hawk looked like he was loaded for destruction and I really liked change.
I figured this would be a figure that Hasbro will most likely never make. I felt safe making my own and also updating the look. There were elements to the original I didn't like-the headgear, the helmet, etc. Luckily the Ripcord figure had a smaller helmet and overall really seemed to be a cool sculpt that with some repainting would capture this version of Hawk really well.

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