Parts used -
Head - Alley Viper 2002
Torso - Alley Viper 2002
Arms - Viper 2002
Mid Peice - Viper 2002
Legs - Viper 2002
Accessories - M16 w/Shotgun 2003, goggles from the guy that comes with Viper 2002, and a Endor Rebel Soldier's backpack

Bushmasters are the cream of the "enlisted" crop. Hopefuls for this job are recommended by Big Boa and reviewed by higher ups at Cobra. The fifty percent that advance to the next level are brought before Cobra Commander himself. After a merciless series of tests, Cobra Commander gives his thumbs up or thumbs down. The latter not only means you didn't make the cut...but you don't get to see tomorrow. Bushmasters aren't given any "standard" issue MARS armament. They pick and choose from any. Most pick "GIJoe" issued weapons to add confusion on the battle front. MARS weapons give off a very distinct "chatter". Bushmasters don't like to be singled out and would rather blend in with the enemy's's gets them closer.

"These guys are vicious. They are Cobra's most psychotic soldiers. They drive the field vipers to the verge of death in battle, but it's not from a safe location. Bushmasters are right out front chuckin' grenades and unloading their various automatic rifles. If you come across these scary freaks in the forest, give 'em all you got quick because you won't get much time before they cut you down." - Falcon

side note for joecustoms - yep, I used some of the new joes for this custom...I love the new green Viper as well as the new Alley Viper.

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