Head and torso- Slayer Design Studios
Upper arms- Monkeywrench 86
Lower arms- Tunnel Rat 87 w/ White Out 00 hands
Waist- Leatherneck 84
Upper legs- Recondo 84
Lower legs- Repeater 88 w/ BBI Elite Force boots
M16 with underslung shotgun - Marauder Inc w/ Sgt Stalker 05 M16 stock
The stoic, enigmatic Native American tracker.
A member of Major Alan 'Dutch' Schaefer's elite team of commandos sent into Central America on a rescue mission but instead encounter the elusive and deadly hunter from another world, The Predator.
It was pure pleasure getting these parts created by SDS to create customs of the characters from one of my favorite action films of all time. I took great care, studying pictures from the movie to get the parts and paint as accurate as possible. I look forward to getting more parts as they are made to complete the entire rescue team...