Head: Freefall V1
Chest: Shipwreck V1
Arms: Falcon V1
Hands: Unknown ROC Figure
Middle Piece: Red Star V1
Upper Legs: Flint V1
Lower Legs: Leatherneck V1
Shrage is a character that never gets any love. He was often overlooked in the Marvel G.I. JOE comics as well. I really wanted to play on this part of his character when I was making this custom of Shrage. I wanted my version of Shrage's character to look like any other soldier from the USSR, that way he could just blend into the crowd. I intentionally did not want to make my custom stand out. Almost every aspect of this custom makes him seem ordinary. I wanted the uniform to be a combination of East German and USSR uniforms. The tapered lower leg is East German, as well as the canteen and the load bearing harness was used by both the East German and Soviet military. The camo pattern of the uniform is Soviet. I wanted a modern looking machine gunner for the Oktober Guard in my JoeVerse and while he may not readily be identifiable as Shrage, this custom has all of the essential ingredients for that character. White or grey hair, a PKM and an ordinary uniform.