Head: Viper V6
Chest: Viper V6
Upper Arms: Viper V6
Lower Arms: Double Blast V1
Hands: G.I. JOE ROC Figure
Middle Piece: Dialtone V1
Upper Legs: Outback V1
Lower Legs: Dialtone V1

I thought the Cobra Viper was one of the coolest army builders from Hasbro back in the day. I used the Cobra Viper a lot when I was a child, but things bothered me even back then. I did not like that every Cobra was a Caucasian, that they were all the same height, that there were no females. A couple of other things bothered me as well. I could never stand the original Viper V1 rifle, it looked too much like a laser rifle. I chose the Marauder NVR assault rifle because it is very realistic looking, but is clearly not any weapon currently in use that I know of. I also could not understand why a Viper with a full face shield need goggles. The last thing that I wanted to do was to remove unnecessary padding from the hands and all that red color. The Vipers in my JoeVerse are in a very dark uniform that would provide camouflage at night.

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