Head : Chap Mei Deep Sea Camera Flash
Torso, Upper Arms: 25th BAT
Lower Arms: 25th Destro
Legs: RoC Destro
Backpack: IG86
Belt: Helix, Anime Kibble, Star Trek Communicator
Electrical Wire

I've wanted to make an Arnim Zola for a long time. My initial parts choices were inspired by Glorbes' fantastic Zola custom, which can easily be searched on the web.

I used antique/steam punk color palette that I used on my Johann Krauss custom (which can be found in the Customs Gallery here,) using tans, browns, and bronze. I also weathered the custom using dark brown and black pastels.

I used the Custom Celebration IV Two-week Figure Challenge as the impetus to start this figure, and in the end, it became my favorite piece to work on for the whole Celebration.

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