Head: SHS Invisible Woman with Assassin's Creed Harlequin hood/hat
Body: MU Black Widow and Spider Woman
Hands: 25th Hi.S.S. Driver (red and blue versions)
Cuffs and collar: White vinyl
Pistol: MIB
One of the main reasons I rediscovered the DC universe as a young adult was the DC Animated Universe. So naturally I was going to need a Harley Quinn to keep my Mister J company once I started making DC characters in the MU scale.
Harley was built almost entirely around a head that I almost threw away once because the smile was just so unnatural and unnerving. I'm glad I kept it in the fodder bin.
Tracking down a cheap Assassin's Creed figure for the hat detail wasn't easy, but ultimately helped really bring the parts together.