Hat - GI Joe (Mod)
Head - MU Reed Richards
Base - MU Starlord
Lower Arms - MU Punisher
Boots - Captain America

Daniel M. LeClaire was born in Wheaton Wisconsin, not the place you would expect an expert in jungle survival to come from. He hates the cold and being born in Wisconsin may be what drove him into the jungles. He has both extensive traing in jungle warfare and as a helicopter pilot. After being recruited into G.I. Joe he was also made a member of their special Tiger Force Unit.

I made this figure for several reasons. Firs,t I had the parts available to make him. Second, he is a fellow Wisconsinite. Third, this is one of the first figures that I had when I was a kid that I built a simple jungle outpost for out of wood (looked like a giant deerstand) so I guess that was really my first custom work.

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