Head, Torso & Arms: Aqua Viper Commander
Mask (black): WWE figure knee pad modded
Helmet: Vintage Hydro Viper
Legs: WWE figure modded
Oxygen Tank: Vintage Hydro Viper modded
Harpoon & Gun: SW CW Captain Rex's Launcher n & Rifle
Flippers: Scratch Built

I really do not understand why Hasbro never recreated this amazing vintage figure in all the lines of fantastic toys. I was expecting to see this one in the POC and 30th anniversary line but Nouuuu.. Anyway had this Aqua Viper Commander and accessories of ol' Hydro Viper lying about did a little brain storming and made a modern era Hydro Viper. I know the colors are not the same as the original one but black and red is just tooo hot. Enjoy.

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