Deep Six Suit:
Head: Deep Six v5
Body: Deep Sea Iron Man
Helmet: Missle Attack Iron Man
Hands: Microman

Deep Six BDU:
Head: Deep Six v5
Body: Zartan v17
Accessories: Pit Commando

This is probably one of my favorite customs to date. Its 2 figures: Deep Six in a new Deep Sea suit, and Deep Six in modern BDUs.

Deep Six Suit:
I used the Ironman Dive suit as a base, like many others have done. But the head area didn't work for me at all. So I shaved all that off and resculpted it using Epoxy. The hands were the second thing that bugged me so I dremmeled those out also and made 'slots' for microman interchangable hands. The final pre-paint step was to cover the chest so it was less Ironman-ish. So I used a JvC Wetsuit rebreather and chopped it up. Some Metallic Green later and some detailing and you have what you see here.

Deep Six BDU:
One thing I have never liked about Deep Six (though one of my favorite characters) Is how the figure was always in a dive suit. Being I couldn't hollow out Ironman to place a figure inside I desided to go with a second figure instead. Just some Modern Digi camo later with some part swaps and there we go. A simple yet satsifying custom.

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