Head: Some Indiana Jones Foe
Body: POC TRU Exclusive Repeater
Weapons: Marauder
Code Name: Adalid
File Name: Al Khayani Muhammad
Place of Birth: Aman, Jordania
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Heavy Weapons Specialist
Rank: E-6 (Sargeant)
Adalid He joined the Jordanian army, not for religious or ideological, but for their deep sense of duty. He was a loyal member of the special forces and participated in the organization of refugee camps when the Cobra organization, started to extend its activities in the Middle East. As responsible for the security of one of the fields, witnessed the ruthless actions of Cobra, and The Joe's intervention. In recognition of the help given to avoid a slaughter, was recruited personally by General Hawk. Despite having been some suspicion of their peers at first, has earned the trust of the team, to be a valuable specialist in fighting Cobra.
Since Rise of Cobra, I thought that the tendency to include foreign characters in GI Joe, was a very good idea ... abroad and what else, a practicing Muslim?