Head: 25th Cobra Trooper
Body: 25th Cobra Diver
Legs:Storm Shadow v34A
Scarf: Storm Shadow v34A
Beret: Broken Arrow
Weapon: Some ROC figure

Code Name: Icon
File Name: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Primary Military Specialty: Unknown
Secondary Military Specialty: Iron Grenadier
Rank: Field Commander

Little is known about the Commander Icon. Intelligence reports, only been able to determine that once he belonged to the Iron Grenadiers, that he was a prominent and fierce opponent to Joe Command, that somehow, he managed to survive and flee a hand to hand combat with Snake Eyes, and that he was selected by the Cobra Commander to lead a large group of Ice Snakes and Snow Vipers. Thanks to his leadership, Cobra positions in the Arctic remain undetected, and efforts to locate them, have only KIA and MIA reports.

It took a little to have all the parts that I wanted, but I'm really satisfied with this dude!

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