The entire vehicle is a movie Avengers Quinjet with stickers from

Side guns are from some Roc Missile Launchers, and the nose gun is from a car toy set.

Barnstormer w. Tailspin - Delta Vehicle 19.99$ MSRP
On board computers control the advanced gull-shaped wing design capable of precise navigation. The Barnstormer can however over a target and take off and land vertically thanks to its high tech avionics. Armed with side-mounted machine guns, can carry up to four troops in the rear payload bay! Include pilot Tailspin. Other figures sold separately.

The Barnstomer jet was originally going to be an iron man 2 jet, but not being a great vehicle customizer, I ruined it. Badly. It was pretty much unsalvagable, so I looked for another jet and remembered the Avengers jet with the opening in the back. I had just missed it at TRU on clearance, so ended up getting one from Amazon. My initial paint job wasn't coming out so well, so a local friend of mine stepped in and did the body paint. He had to sand quite a bit for the paint to stick to the soft plastic, and it turned out really well. I think I perhaps overdid the stickers, but that's a minor gripe.

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