Head: Retaliation GI Joe Trooper
Body: Basic Asst Shipwreck
Vest: Retaliation Cobra Shock Trooper
Gun: Retaliation Lady Jaye

Quick and easy custom to make use of the extra head that came along with the Retaliation GI Joe trooper.

The figure came to me as an idea for a modern day 'Adventure Team' that I will hopefully begin posting more of it the coming weeks.

Bio: All Joes start a 'greenshirts' as part of beginning induction into the GI Joe team. The obvious reason being they are all the same green BDU. All the recruits then spend months preparing for field operations by pursing their military specialty. If they mark high on their respective field tests, any greenshirt can presented with the opportunity to join the most elite group of GI Joe: the Adventure Team.

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