Head: Cast (AVACs Labs?)
Body: 25th Torpedo
Lower feet: Buck Rogers Draconian Guard

This custom was created for the JC Way-Back Wednesday challenge during the 2013 Custom Celebration 8. The idea was to go back and recreate, or re-do, or re-paint your original custom(s.) I went with Blue Hood over my Snake-eyes Baroness, because, well, he's cooler.

I discovered the head in a bag of fodder I won at Code Name: Iowa's Assembly Required 2013. It didn't take much to figure out what body to use, but I didn't know what to use for the lower legs. There is an Indiana Jones Cairo guy that had pointed boots, but I thought it would be neater to use the same boots that I used for my original custom. So, after getting an original Draconian Guard off eBay, I discovered that the knee joint on the leg was way too thick and had to be dremeled and shaped to fit in the ME Torpedo joint. I got it to work, but it's not pretty, and it's not all that stable. But, I got him done in time.

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