Half-human and half-machine, Overkill is the ambitious leader of the Cobra B.A.T. army. He has covertly been plotting to destroy Cobra Commander and to lead his legions of Battle Android Troopers to World domination. Sensing that the right moment has arrived, Overkill's troops turn on their human masters and take over all of Cobra's B.A.T. factories around the World.

This custom is based on Robot Rebellion, the rumoured follow-up to Valor vs Venom in 2005-2006. Apparently, several figures and vehicles were planned for this line. Unfortunately, Hasbro decided to put the 3 3/4'' line on hiatus instead. The break was short-lived. Robot Rebellion morphed into the DTC line and some elements were rolled into Sigma 6.

Based on the Sigma 6 HISS.

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