Head: Raginspoon cast

Torso: 25th Viper
Arms: 25th Cobra Trooper
Upper legs: RoC Storm Shadow
Lower Legs, sailor cap: 25th Shipwreck
Ring: Playmobil

Navy Attack Sailor:
Torso, arms: 25th Cobra Trooper
Upper legs: RoC Storm Shadow
Lower Legs, sailor cap: 25th Shipwreck
Helmet: Captain America
Vest: PTE

Action Sailor represented the Navy. In early concepts, he was named Skip. Released alongside Action Soldier in 1964, Action Sailor (7600) included a light blue Navy work shirt, dark blue pants, a naval cap, dog tags, rank insignias and a Navy manual.

The Navy Attack (7606) and Navy Attack helmet (7610) sets were sold separately and included a life vest, blinker light, binoculars, semaphore flags and the Navy helmet to equip your Action Sailor for battle.

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