Legs-Retaliation Cobra Invasion Trooper
Upper Arms-BBTS Falcon
Torso, head, lower arms- 25th BAT
Backpack-30th Iron Grenadier
Gun-Halo weapon
This version of the B.A.T. was designed to provide infantry support to mobile HISS tank units. They unleash concentrated barrages of High Explosive Incendiary/Armor Piercing Ammunition (HEIAP) on those targets that represent the largest threat to the HISS tanks. They also provide defense against flanking maneuvers by smaller and more agile vehicles that are typically less armored and are simply shredded by the assault. Many an AWE Striker has regretted an attempt to flank a HISS tank protected by these specialized B.A.T.s. They are nicknamed "Hellions" by the HISS tank crews.