Head: Chromed Neo-Viper with Tamiya Clear Blue
Torso: DG Snake-Eyes
Arms: Wraith
Legs: Resolute Snake-Eyes

Jump Pack & Sci-Fi Gun

Blue Laser was created as a mascot for the Team Bucky (Red Laser) vs Team Jm7o (Blue Laser) 2014 Gallery Submission Challenge (6/1/14 - 12/31/14.)

With an open invite to all JoeCustoms members to join, each volunteer will/would be randomly assigned to a team. Then the team with the most gallery submissions at the end of the year wins.

This year's prize for the winning team is a custom made for them by a random member of the losing team.

Hi Bucky.

To teach, improve, share, entertain and showcase the work of the customizing community.