Head: Beachhead (?)
Helm: Combo of Lamprey helm and Paratrooper Mask
Torso: EEL
Arms: Snake Eyes
Upper legs: EEL
Lower legs: Wild Weasel

Crew member of a Hammerhead

He's an all around underwater specialist codename: Bull

Bull is third in command of the Hammerhead. Hence the name referring to the 3rd most deadly shark to humans (the Bull Shark). Bull is qualified as an EEL, a Hydro-Viper, as well as a Secto-Viper making him a deadly opponent under water. Wearing a combination wet/dry suit and high tech lightweight combo SCUBA/re-breather allows Bull to function both aboard the Hammerhead as well as the sea floor.

Armed with an APS Underwater Assault Rifle, a combat modified spear gun, and dual dive knives, and Underwater grenade РС-75s allows Bull to fight off dangerous under water denizens of the deep or Joe combat divers single-handed.

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