Head: Ripcord V1 - Brazilian vs
Torso: Ripcord V1 - Br
Waist: Ripcord V1 - Br
Legs: Psyc-Out V1
Arms: Guile Paratrooper
Weapons: modular M-4, pistol marauder inc
Backpack: Ripcord V1; Peacekeepers.
I always believed that a paratrooper needs more than an assault rifle to fight after the jump. So the original Ripcord is so poor in details that a change was necessary.
More equipment, more than one weapon, something to say "I'm here to fight!"...
And the camo paint is to emulate the modern digital camo. And the rifle is more realistic too, with a dirty paint, like a rifle in combat. The color scheme is based in the European 1, or lizard, from the old schemes in the 80's to fight the soviets.