Lanard Corps! 1994 Star Force figure and gun.
Citadel paints.
B.A.T.S. are the perfect Cobra Troopers. They never question orders, complain about the chow, shirk duty, or surrender. They require no sick time, leave pay, or benefits of any kind, and they are cheap and easy to replace. Previous versions of the B.A.T. did not react very well to changes in field conditions or discriminate between targets. They also had an unfortunate tendency to burst into flame when hit from behind. Hardware and software upgrades combined with advances in armor technology have remedied these problems in B.A.T. v.4. Upgraded sensors and targeting computers allow the B.A.T. v.4 to be deployed on the battlefield with other Cobra infantry with a greatly reduced risk of friendly-fire casualties.
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Watch yourself GI Joe. These B.A.T.S. are more deadly than ever.