Head Zanzibar- modified
Arms and chest Outback v1
Waist CORPS!
Thighs- random Joe
Feet- random
(The random parts come from a big lot on Ebay I bought that contained many of the later characters who were forgetable to say the least.....many of them came broken)

Here is the story on Billy. I started him MONTHS back and had his head and chest done, but couldn't find suitable pants or feet. I wanted him to look a bit civilian. Then Devils Due releases the upcoming Snake Eyes and Billy cover art. Two amazing strokes of luck-- First I had gotten the eyepatch on the correct side...(because right or wrong, the head was to perfect once I got into it...and lazya** didn't double check first. And when the patch is already there you work with it.) Second the shirt was the same color as I had already painted the torso for my Billy. The white piping on the shirt is remnants of good old Outback....who I liked alot. Cool character and figure.

Once I saw the cover, I knew exactly what to do from the waist down with my figure. The pants were SUPPOSED to be a bit greener and look more black in the picture than they are.

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