Head: Recondo
Torso: Tunnel Rat
Arms: Barrel Roll
Waist: Long Range
Legs: Barrage

This custom came about as part of the Custom Celebration's two week challenge a couple years ago. I had a lot of help with the design and colors of this figure from fellow board member during my daily updates for two weeks.

Cross Country always liked loud heavy machinery. When he was told that GI Joe was disbanded he went back home and got a job in construction. Happy as he could be in the seat of a bulldozer or backhoe, he was surprised when contacted by Hawk to return to action. His old HAVOC tanks had been decommissioned but Cross Country never had a problem adapting to new machinery. A natural when it comes to repairs, he found a home in the motor pool's garage and was glad to see Clutch turning wrenches right beside him once again.

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