Entire Body - JvC Frostbite

With records stolen from Baron Ironblood's personal files that speak of a "near invincible mechanically enhanced humanoid - possibly extraterrestial", Cobra Commander sends Destro to a secret storage facility from a long decommissioned branch of the British military. Many of the artifacts have been moved to other locations, but Destro finds what he is looking for after a skirmish with the European Branch of Action Force, creating a mortal enemy in AF Stalker.

The being is revived using BATS technology and Dr. Mindbender's genius. It has vowed to serve Cobra Commander, but looks for a way to contact the rest of its race...

I've always been a Doctor Who fan, and the question of what to do with the leftover Frostbites and the extra silver paint led to this custom. The unpainted parts are intentional, as Cobra could not repair the Cyberman exactly to specs. The souless face was what made the connection click, since the first Cybermen were guys in ski masks, basically. Gotta love the 60's!

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