Head, hat: VvV Crosshair
Torso, RoC Neo Viper
Upper arms: PoC Shock Trooper
Lower arms: 25th Beachhead
Legs: PoC Beachhead
Vest: 25th Gung Ho
Crosshair was one of the first New Sculpt figures that I bought when I started collecting Joes as an adult (around 2004-2005). On a whim, I picked up a Valor vs Venom Tiger Force 2-pack that included Crosshair and Alpine. Originally, I picked it up for the mountaineer (1985 Alpine was one of my favorite figures as a kid), but I ended up liking Crosshair better. The original figure did not suffer from some of the terrible proportions that marked that era. When I started making modern era versions of new sculpt characters, Crosshair was one of my first customs. Although I still enjoy it, this custom will need to be updated at a future date.