Head - MU Iron with sculpt work
Body - 3.75" Capt. America Red Skull

There is no Cobra High Council, If there ever was, they are all dead and gone, because now there is only Cobra Commander! Cobra Commander has been pulling the strings in the shadows for quite a while. As "Cobra High Council", he was able to secure the obedience and military might of Drago, Baron Bludd and Serpentra, the leaders whom he ordained as Cobra Trinity. But the return of Golobolus and the victory of Cobra Law against the recoiled forces of Cobra and Cobra Trinity persuaded Cobra Commander to come out of the shadows to protect his seat of power.

Everyone believed that Cobra Commander injected himself with chemical Z and became a zombie who led the attack on North America with his 99 Zombie Troopers. But the body found by the Syndicate was merely a clone of the commander. During the battle against G.I. Joe, Cobra managed to escape with the help of a new clone of Fred. They sought refuge in the secret HQ of Cobra High Council in New York City. Soon, Cobra Commander plotted to kill all the members of Cobra High Council and was successful. Now, the one true Cobra Commander returns, more determined, ambitious and nastier than ever!

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