Head - Cast of my bash from Raginspoon
Torso - ROC Shipwreck
Arms - Retaliation Ninja Duel Snake Eyes
Upper legs - POC Snake Eyes
Lower legs - ROC Pit Commando
I wanted a Snake Eyes version 2 that was armored, but I was not quite satisfied with the Retaliation torso. So I made this one. His head is a custom version I made using an ROC Snake Eyes head and a 1985 Snake Eyes visor. This is an improved version of the one I made for Hunter Artworks. The visor sits better and doesn't stick out so far from the head. It is available from Raginspoon. He's got a Marauder Gun Runners "Tactical Pistol" and one of the "meane 5" holsters I sculpted for Raginspoon.