Figures: Star Wars Clone Wars Boba Fett
Webgear: 25th Snake-eyes
Weapons: Marauder Inc.
Vehicle: PTE Amphibian

The backbone of Santa's Toy Workshop workforce, the Elves have been with Santa from the start. When Cobra first appeared at the North Pole the Elves were more than willing to take up arms to defend their home. They've been trained by TannenBOMB but their greatest strength comes in developing and building the weapons and equipment they all use to battle Cobra.

These guys were tough to figure out. I wanted, no NEEDED to have Elves be a part of this project and deciding on the base figure was pretty easy. But coming up with their look took a lot longer than I anticipated. In fact these were the last figures I finished due to my indecisiveness. But I think I captured a good Santa Elf look and got the soldier vibe in there too. With these guys it was more about the weapons than the figures. The vehicle was a last minute add on to the project when I found the PTE Amphibians at Big Lots. I may do more with it later but for now it makes for a good dio piece.

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