head - Iron Grenadier
body - Kamakura v1
belt, harness - Kamakura v1
pistol made from left over portion of smg used on astro viper rig, and exhaust pipe on skybat
sword - flint
Unlike the rank and file that make the mass of Cobra's forces, The Iron Grenadiers are not mercenaries. They are soldiers of fortune, but loyal to their Laird. Above all they are sworn to the service of all who have earned the title of Destro. To many of their ranks it his a rite of passage, a heritage and tradition passed from father to son. Each is an expert in every single arm produced by MARS Industries, both in their application and their neutralization. All undergo rigorous training in marksmanship and bladed combat. The Protectors of the misty keep of the Silent Castle may be rooted from the heavy hands of a Scottish Claymore but they have repelled the forces of armies of the grandest scale. All by the word of their Laird, from the Roman invasion to the onslaught of Hitler's Blitzkrieg and the machinations of the Red Shadows, once the line is drawn no single man would dare cross it.