Adventure Wheels boat with added kibble

This vehicle was done for the 2016 Custom Celebration 2 week challenge. I spotted the set with this boat at Wal-Mart and knew it'd be the perfect update to the original Action Force Boat Patrol, which was pretty much a bathtub with a motor and a machine gun. Mine is a bit bigger, and while Stakeout can't drive and man the fore-gun like on the original, I like it as a landing craft for a small SAS Force squad. The yellow stripes were a challenge. I'd removed the original stickers that went in that area and stuck them onto tagboard so I could use them as a template for my masking tape. The yellow paint didn't want to dry and I think I ended up having to strip it down more than once before I got a coat that worked and looked good. After all that I was really concerned that the masking would work, since I didn't want to have to strip it down again. Luckily it did and I was able to clean up any bad spots without much hassle. It's a simple vehicle, but I like workhorses, and this fits that bill for sure.

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