Head - 25th Wraith
Body - ROC Nitro Viper
Little is known about the man who wears the suit. Some say he was a soldier who died in battle, on which side he used to work for, nobody knows. The only fact known is that Death Wing was Dr. Herbert Allenby's creation. Due to the absence of living biological specimens, Dr. Allenby experimented on a corpse and re-created a Frankenstein monster but this time, a cold blooded killer version who would obey only him. Death Wing was supposed to be Dr. Allenby's protector in case Cobra back stabs him. But in the end, Death Wing proved he answers to no one and almost killed Dr. Allenby if only the Outsider did not intervene.
Now Death Wing flies solo, accepting assassination and sabotage jobs from the mob and various criminal and terrorist organizations. After the job is done, he then kills the boss and his men. Nobody understands his motives. It seems literally, he just wants to bring forth death.